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Exploring the Effects of Strategy and Arousal of Cueing in Computer-Human Persuasion.

, , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 2276-2283. ACM, (2017)

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Spectrum Analysis of 2.4 GHz Band Based on Successive Signal Detection., , , , and . WCSP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)SmartShell: A Near-Field Reflective Surface Enhancing RSS., , , , , , , and . MobiSys, page 124-136. ACM, (2023)From Breakage to Icebreaker: Inspiration for Designing Technological Support for Human-Human Interaction., , and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, page 403-414. ACM, (2016)An Efficient Statistical Method for Image Noise Level Estimation., , and . ICCV, page 477-485. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)PhoneInVR: An Evaluation of Spatial Anchoring and Interaction Techniques for Smartphone Usage in Virtual Reality., , , and . CHI, page 639:1-639:16. ACM, (2024)OFDMA-Enabled Wi-Fi Backscatter., , , , , , and . MobiCom, page 20:1-20:15. ACM, (2019)Enabling High-rate Backscatter Sensing at Scale., , , , , , and . MobiCom, page 124-138. ACM, (2024)BISHARE: Exploring Bidirectional Interactions Between Smartphones and Head-Mounted Augmented Reality., and . CHI, page 1-14. ACM, (2020)Touching The Droid: Understanding and Improving Touch Precision With Mobile Devices in Virtual Reality., , , and . ISMAR, page 807-816. IEEE, (2022)DigiScatter: efficiently prototyping large-scale OFDMA backscatter networks., , , , and . MobiSys, page 42-53. ACM, (2020)