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Conductive and transparent gel microstructures fabricated by inkjet printing of ionic liquid based fluids., , и . NEMS, стр. 312-317. IEEE, (2012)Topology optimization on two-dimensional manifolds., , и . CoRR, (2019)Implementation of an in-field CMOS frequency division multiplexer for 9.4 T magnetic resonance applications., , и . I. J. Circuit Theory and Applications, 43 (12): 1861-1878 (2015)Processing of 3D multilevel SU-8 fluidic network assisted by PerMX dry-photoresist lamination., , , и . NEMS, стр. 308-311. IEEE, (2012)Smart Enumeration in C++: Virtual Construction, Message Dispatching and Tables., , , и . Softw. Pract. Exp., 29 (1): 67-76 (1999)Designing MR Shim Arrays With Irregular Coil Geometry: Theoretical Considerations., и . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 61 (6): 1614-1620 (2014)Analog circuit synthesis using two-port theory and genetic programming., , и . AFRICON, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2011)Electrowetting droplets investigated with smoothed particle hydrodynamics and moving least squares., , , и . NEMS, стр. 304-307. IEEE, (2012)Automatic Generation of Compact Electro-Thermal Models for Semiconductor Devices, , и . IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E86-C (03): 459-465 (2003)Correction: Design and Simulation of a Wireless SAW-Pirani Sensor with Extended Range and Sensitivity., , , , , и . Sensors, 19 (14): 3243 (2019)