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Implementing ethics for a mobile app deployment., , , , , и . OZCHI, стр. 406-415. ACM, (2016)Adding Imageability Features to Information Displays., , и . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, стр. 33-39. ACM, (1996)Equator: mixing media and showing seams.. IHM, стр. 1. ACM, (2004)Bead: Explorations in Information Visualization., и . SIGIR, стр. 330-337. ACM, (1992)Design Perspectives in Visualising Complex Information.. VDB, том 34 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 103-111. Chapman & Hall, (1995)Personal Tracking of Screen Time on Digital Devices., , , , и . CHI, стр. 284-296. ACM, (2016)Self-monitoring, self-awareness, and self-determination in cardiac rehabilitation., и . CHI, стр. 1213-1222. ACM, (2010)Improving Hybrid MDS with Pivot-Based Searching., и . INFOVIS, IEEE Computer Society, (2003)The Interface of the Future., , , , , и . Advanced Visual Interfaces, стр. 200-205. ACM, (1994)Pearls, Swines and Sow's Ears: Interface Research Inside a Multinational Bank.. BNCOD, том 1094 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 222-229. Springer, (1996)