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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

CrimeForecaster: Crime Prediction by Exploiting the Geographical Neighborhoods' Spatiotemporal Dependencies., , , , , , und . ECML/PKDD (5), Volume 12461 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 52-67. Springer, (2020)Fusing oblique imagery with augmented aerial LiDAR., , und . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, Seite 426-429. ACM, (2012)Serious video game effectiveness., , , , , , , , und . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Volume 203 von ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Seite 49-55. ACM, (2007)CrowdMap: Spatiotemporal Visualization of Anonymous Occupancy Data for Pandemic Response., , , , , , und . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, Seite 630-633. ACM, (2021)Validation of Automated Mobility Assessment Using a Single 3D Sensor., , , , , , , , , und . ECCV Workshops (2), Volume 9914 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 162-177. (2016)Privacy-preserving inference of social relationships from location data: a vision paper., , , , und . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, Seite 9:1-9:4. ACM, (2015)Visually-complete aerial LiDAR point cloud rendering., , und . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, Seite 289-298. ACM, (2012)Building an Automated Orofacial Pain, Headache and Temporomandibular Disorder Diagnosis System., , , , , und . AMIA, AMIA, (2020)Mining Human Mobility to Quantify Performance Status., , , , , , , , , und 1 andere Autor(en). ICDM Workshops, Seite 1172-1177. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)An Algorithmic Approach for Detecting Neuromotor Developmental Disabilities in Infants from Wearable Sensor Data., , , , und . EMBC, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2024)