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GeoDec: a multi-layered query processing framework for spatio-temporal data., , , , , , and . GIS, page 546-547. ACM, (2009)Location privacy: going beyond K-anonymity, cloaking and anonymizers., , and . Knowl. Inf. Syst., 26 (3): 435-465 (2011)A hybrid aggregation and compression technique for road network databases., , , and . Knowl. Inf. Syst., 17 (3): 265-286 (2008)Blind evaluation of location based queries using space transformation to preserve location privacy., , and . GeoInformatica, 17 (4): 599-634 (2013)Private queries in location based services: anonymizers are not necessary., , , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 121-132. ACM, (2008)A Multi-Resolution Compression Scheme for EfficientWindow Queries over Road Network Databases., , , and . ICDM Workshops, page 355-360. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Blind Evaluation of Nearest Neighbor Queries Using Space Transformation to Preserve Location Privacy., and . SSTD, volume 4605 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 239-257. Springer, (2007)Private Information Retrieval Techniques for Enabling Location Privacy in Location-Based Services., and . Privacy in Location-Based Applications, volume 5599 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 59-83. Springer, (2009)Location Privacy in Geospatial Decision-Making., and . DNIS, volume 4777 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-15. Springer, (2007)Private Buddy Search: Enabling Private Spatial Queries in Social Networks., and . CSE (4), page 166-173. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)