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Active Cantilevers with Diamond-Tip for Field Emission Scanning Probe Lithography and Imaging., , , , , и . ICM, стр. 123-128. IEEE, (2019)New relations between norms of system transfer functions., , , и . Syst. Control. Lett., 60 (3): 151-155 (2011)Application of real rational modules in system identification., , , и . CDC, стр. 111-116. IEEE, (2008)Using H2norm to bound H∞norm from above on real rational modules., , , и . ECC, стр. 2259-2264. IEEE, (2009)Emulation of Auditory Nerve Adaptation with Bio-Inspired Acoustic Sensor to Extract Sound Features., , , и . NewCAS, стр. 128-132. IEEE, (2024)Bio-Inspired Sensor-Based Sound Pre-Processing for Speech Recognition in Noisy Conditions., , , , , и . BioCAS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2024)A characterization of solution sets of LTI differential equations., и . CDC, стр. 4288-4291. IEEE, (2009)Parametrization invariant covariance quantification in identification of transfer functions for linear systems., и . CDC, стр. 1544-1550. IEEE, (2009)Next Generation Memristor Reservoir Computing., , , , , , , , и . MetroXRAINE, стр. 912-917. IEEE, (2024)