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Continuous-time Systems that Solve Computational Problems.. Int. J. Unconv. Comput., 2 (4): 291-304 (2006)Graph-Based Matrix Completion Applied to Weather Data., , and . EUSIPCO, page 1973-1977. IEEE, (2023)An efficient particle filtering technique on the Grassmann manifold., , , , and . ICASSP, page 3838-3841. IEEE, (2010)Gap filling in air temperature series by matrix completion methods., , and . ESANN, (2022)Interpolation on the manifold of fixed-rank positive-semidefinite matrices for parametric model order reduction: preliminary results., , , , and . ESANN, (2019)A Grassmannian Minimum Enclosing Ball Approach for Common Subspace Extraction., , and . LVA/ICA, volume 10891 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 69-78. Springer, (2018)A Riemannian Limited-memory BFGS Algorithm for Computing the Matrix Geometric Mean., , , and . ICCS, volume 80 of Procedia Computer Science, page 2147-2157. Elsevier, (2016)An Extrinsic Look at the Riemannian Hessian., , and . GSI, volume 8085 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 361-368. Springer, (2013)Differentiable Piecewise-Bézier Surfaces on Riemannian Manifolds., , , and . SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 9 (4): 1788-1828 (2016)Manopt, a matlab toolbox for optimization on manifolds., , , and . J. Mach. Learn. Res., 15 (1): 1455-1459 (2014)