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Lyapunov-based robust adaptive control of a quadrotor UAV in the presence of modeling uncertainties., , , and . ACC, page 13-18. IEEE, (2013)Model-based reinforcement learning for on-line feedback-Nash equilibrium solution of N-player nonzero-sum differential games., , and . ACC, page 3000-3005. IEEE, (2014)Exploring the Impact of Narrator Type on Response Latency and Utterance Length During Interactive Storytelling., , , , and . ICRA, page 5499-5504. IEEE, (2024)Containment control for a directed social network with state-dependent connectivity., , , and . ACC, page 1950-1955. IEEE, (2013)Asymptotic synchronization of leader-follower networks of uncertain Euler-Lagrange systems., , , , and . CDC, page 6536-6541. IEEE, (2013)Adaptive dynamic programming for terminally constrained finite-horizon optimal control problems., , , and . CDC, page 5095-5100. IEEE, (2014)Concurrent learning-based network synchronization., , and . ACC, page 796-801. IEEE, (2014)Ensuring network connectivity for nonholonomic robots during decentralized rendezvous., , , and . ACC, page 3718-3723. IEEE, (2012)Emotionally Specific Backchanneling in Social Human-Robot Interaction and Human-Human Interaction., , , , , and . IROS, page 4059-4064. (2023)Synchronization of uncertain Euler-Lagrange systems with unknown time-varying communication delays., , , and . ACC, page 683-688. IEEE, (2015)