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Motivating Undergraduate Computing and Engineering Research via Educational and Scientific Drones., , , и . EIT, стр. 536-541. IEEE, (2019)Scalable Cloud-Based Tool to Empirically Detect Vulnerable Code Patterns in Large-Scale System., , , , , и . EIT, стр. 588-592. IEEE, (2020)On the evolution of mobile computing software systems and C/C++ vulnerable code: Empirical investigation., , , , , и . UEMCON, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2016)On the prevalence of function side effects in general purpose open source software systems., , и . SERA, стр. 141-148. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Human Factors Considerations in Mobile Learning Management Systems., , , и . IMCL, том 725 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 372-383. Springer, (2017)Cloud-Based Source Code Security and Vulnerabilities Analysis Tool for C/C++ Software Systems., , , , и . EIT, стр. 651-654. IEEE, (2018)Empirically Examining the Parallelizability of Open Source Software System., , и . WCRE, стр. 377-386. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)A study on the usage of unsafe functions in gcc compared to mobile software systems., , , и . EIT, стр. 138-142. IEEE, (2017)Middleware and multicore architecture: Challenges and potential enhancements from software engineering perspective., , и . EIT, стр. 700-706. IEEE, (2016)Empirically Examining the Quality of Source Code in Engineering Software Systems., , и . EIT, стр. 641-644. IEEE, (2018)