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A smart agent for taking pictures., , , and . SIGGRAPH ASIA Posters, page 22:1. ACM, (2009)A New 3D Spring for Deformable Object Animation., and . Eurographics (Posters), Eurographics Association, (2003)Normalized Matting of Interest Region., and . ISVC (2), volume 8034 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 446-453. Springer, (2013)Multiple main user recognition., and . ICACT, page 59-62. IEEE, (2018)Dynamical path-planning algorithm of a mobile robot using chaotic neuron model., , , , and . IROS (2), page 456-461. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Volume matting: object tracking based matting tool., , , , and . SIGGRAPH ASIA (Posters), page 42:1. ACM, (2010)LiveTree: realistic tree growth simulation tool., and . SIGGRAPH Posters, page 95. ACM, (2012)Adaptive-robust control for free-flying space robots using norm-bounded property of uncertainty., , , and . IROS (2), page 59-64. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Sensor Fusion for Motion Capture System based on System Identification., , , and . CA, page 71-76. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Development of Rehabilitation Robot Systems for Walking-aid., , , , and . ICRA, page 2468-2473. IEEE, (2004)