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Anomaly Detection in the Elderly Daily Behavior., , and . Intelligent Environments, page 103-106. IEEE, (2018)A General Purpose Distributed Learning Model for Robotic Ecologies., , , , , and . SyRoCo, volume 47 of IFAC Proceedings Volumes, page 435-440. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2012)Encrypted Data Aggregation in Mobile CrowdSensing based on Differential Privacy., , and . PerCom Workshops, page 22-25. IEEE, (2022)On service discovery in mobile social networks: Survey and perspectives., , and . Comput. Networks, (2015)A Testbed and an Experimental Public Dataset for Energy-Harvested IoT Solutions., , , , , and . INDIN, page 869-876. IEEE, (2019)Virtual structure effects in two hybrid routing protocols for ad hoc networks., , , , and . ISWPC, page 436-440. IEEE, (2008)GPS free coordinate assignment and routing in wireless sensor networks., , , and . INFOCOM, page 150-160. IEEE, (2005)Cross-layer optimization of Low Power Listening MAC protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks., , and . ISCC, page 684-691. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Sensing the cities with social-aware unmanned aerial vehicles., , , , , and . ISCC, page 278-283. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)SAIL: A Sensor Abstraction and Integration Layer for Context Awareness., , , and . EUROMICRO-SEAA, page 374-381. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)