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A low-cost and unobtrusive system for fall detection., , , , , and . KES, volume 192 of Procedia Computer Science, page 2160-2169. Elsevier, (2021)Single-scan Run Length Algorithm for Real-time Fiducial Marker Detection Based on FPGA Devices., , , and . ICVIP, page 114-120. ACM, (2022)Leveraging commonsense reasoning towards a smarter Smart Home., , , , , and . KES, volume 192 of Procedia Computer Science, page 666-675. Elsevier, (2021)An Affective-computing Approach to Provide Enhanced Learning Analytics., , , , , , , and . CSEDU (1), page 163-170. SCITEPRESS, (2020)Measurements, Quality of Service and Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm in Mobile Ad-hoc Network., , and . ICWN, page 640-644. CSREA Press, (2008)Translating bus information into sign language for deaf people., , , , , and . Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell., (2014)Sensor Network Integration by Means of a Virtual Private Network Protocol., , , , and . UCAmI, volume 7656 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 85-92. Springer, (2012)Building a dynamically reconfigurable system through a high development flow., , , , , and . FDL, page 107-114. IEEE, (2015)A Methodology for Task Based Partitioning and Scheduling of Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems., , and . FCCM, page 324-325. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Experimenting Forecasting Models for Solar Energy Harvesting Devices for Large Smart Cities Deployments., , , , , and . ISCC, page 1177-1182. IEEE, (2019)