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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Grandmaster: Interactive Text-Based Analytics of Social Media., , , , und . ICDM Workshops, Seite 1375-1381. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Exploding asteroid simulation: photo realistic rendering of polygonal data., , , und . SC Companion, Seite 147-148. ACM, (2011)High velocity aluminum ball collision: photo realistic rendering of polygonal data., , , und . SC Companion, Seite 145-146. ACM, (2011)Information Design for XR Immersive Environments: Challenges and Opportunities., , , , , und . HCI (9), Volume 11574 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 153-164. Springer, (2019)The ParaView Coprocessing Library: A scalable, general purpose in situ visualization library., , , , , , , und . LDAV, Seite 89-96. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Canaries in a Coal Mine: Using Application-Level Checkpoints to Detect Memory Failures., , , und . Euro-Par Workshops, Volume 9523 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 669-681. Springer, (2015)Explosive Charge Blowing a Hole in a Steel Plate Animation., , und . SC Companion, Seite 1576-1577. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Data Privacy and Security Considerations for Personal Assistants for Learning (PAL)., , , , , , , und . IUI Companion, Seite 69-72. ACM, (2015)ParaView Catalyst: Enabling In Situ Data Analysis and Visualization., , , , , , und . ISAV@SC, Seite 25-29. ACM, (2015)Evaluation of methods to integrate analysis into a large-scale shock shock physics code., , , und . ICS, Seite 83-92. ACM, (2014)