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Self supervised convolutional kernel based handcrafted feature harmonization: Enhanced left ventricle hypertension disease phenotyping on echocardiography., , , , , , , , , и . CoRR, (2023)Towards More Comprehensive Listening Behavior: Beyond the Bobble Head., , и . IVA, том 6895 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 216-227. Springer, (2011)A Study on Prediction Performance Measurement of Automated Machine Learning: Focusing on WiseProphet, a Korean Auto ML Service., , , и . Int. J. Softw. Innov., 11 (1): 1-11 (2023)FIDGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network with An Inception Distance., и . ICAIIC, стр. 397-400. IEEE, (2023)ComDia+: An Interactive Visual Analytics System for Comparing, Diagnosing, and Improving Multiclass Classifiers., , , и . PacificVis, стр. 313-317. IEEE, (2019)Metaverse Current Status and Prospects: Focusing on Metaverse Field Cases., , и . BCD, стр. 332-336. IEEE, (2022)Modeling Side Participants and Bystanders: The Importance of Being a Laugh Track., и . IVA, том 6895 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 240-247. Springer, (2011)Learning a model of speaker head nods using gesture corpora., и . AAMAS (1), стр. 289-296. IFAAMAS, (2009)"I Want to Be Unique From Other Robots": Positioning Girls as Co-creators of Social Robots in Culturally-Responsive Computing Education., , , , , , , и . CHI, стр. 441:1-441:14. ACM, (2023)Nonverbal Behavior Generator for Embodied Conversational Agents., и . IVA, том 4133 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 243-255. Springer, (2006)