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Robust fingertip detection in egocentric vision under varying illumination conditions., , , , и . ICME Workshops, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Serious Games as Emerging E-Health Interventions: Design of an Exergame for the SMILER Project., , , , , , , , , и . GALA, том 15348 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 307-316. Springer, (2024)Smart Underground: Enhancing Cultural Heritage Information Access and Management through Proximity-Based Interaction., и . 3PGCIC, том 1 из Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, стр. 105-114. Springer, (2016)Design Strategies to Enhance Awareness in MR Collaborative Systems., , , и . XR (1), том 14218 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 424-436. Springer, (2023)Coordinating Systems of Digital Twins with Digital Practices., , , и . EUMAS, том 14282 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 406-414. Springer, (2023)Touchless Disambiguation Techniques for Wearable Augmented Reality Systems., , и . IIMSS, стр. 547-556. Springer, (2016)SmartCARE - An ICT Platform in the Domain of Stroke Pathology to Manage Rehabilitation Treatment and Telemonitoring at Home., , , , , , , и . IIMSS, стр. 39-49. Springer, (2016)Parallel Hierarchical A* for Multi Agent-Based Simulation on the GPU., и . Euro-Par Workshops, том 8374 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 513-522. Springer, (2013)User-Driven View Management for Wearable Augmented Reality Systems in the Cultural Heritage Domain., , и . 3PGCIC, стр. 545-550. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Safeguarding Face-To-Face Communication in Augmented Reality: An Adaptive Interface., , и . MetroXRAINE, стр. 127-132. IEEE, (2022)