Autor der Publikation

Self-Experimentation for Behavior Change: Design and Formative Evaluation of Two Approaches.

, , , , , und . CHI, Seite 6837-6849. ACM, (2017)

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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Promoting Interaction by Integrating a Question and Answer Forum with a Digital Textbook., , , und . CSCL, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2015)The student becomes the master: integrating peer tutoring with cognitive tutoring., , , und . CSCL, Seite 751-753. International Society of the Learning Sciences / ACM DL, (2007)Adaptive support for CSCL: Is it feedback relevance or increased student accountability that matters?, , und . CSCL, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2011)Co-Design for Learner Help-Giving Across Physical and Digital Contexts., , , , , und . CSCL, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2019)Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring., , , , und . ITS, Volume 7315 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 11-21. Springer, (2012)Agentic Engagement with a Programmable Dialog System., , , , , und . ICER, Seite 423-424. ACM, (2021)Toward Real-time Brain Sensing for Learning Assessment: Building a Rich Dataset., , , und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 1698-1705. ACM, (2016)Toward Supporting Collaborative Discussion in an Ill-Defined Domain., , , und . Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Volume 5091 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 825-827. Springer, (2008)Observations of Collaboration in Cognitive Tutor Use in Latin America., , , , , , und . AIED, Volume 6738 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 575-577. Springer, (2011)MindDot: Supporting Effective Cognitive Behaviors in Concept Map-Based Learning Environments., , und . CHI, Seite 28. ACM, (2019)