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Goal-oriented specification of adaptation requirements engineering in adaptive systems., , , and . SEAMS@ICSE, page 23-29. ACM, (2006)Visual Tracking via Supervised Similarity Matching., , and . ACCV (5), volume 9007 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 146-161. Springer, (2014)Robust Bundle Adjustment for Structure from Motion., , and . ICIP, page 2185-2188. IEEE, (2006)Finite element method analysis of the inner fed inductor motor., , , , and . ICCA, page 1074-1078. IEEE, (2011)Effective curve registration using a novel solution method for overdetermined systems of polynomial equations., , and . Computational Imaging, volume 7246 of SPIE Proceedings, page 72460. SPIE, (2009)Task-Driven Image Retrieval Using Geographic Information., , , , and . MMM (2), volume 8326 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 214-226. Springer, (2014)An infrastructure framework for privacy protection of community medical internet of things - Transmission protection, storage protection and access control., , , , , , and . World Wide Web, 21 (1): 33-57 (2018)Method and Dataset Mining in Scientific Papers., , , , and . IEEE BigData, page 6260-6262. IEEE, (2019)Effective Tuple-based Anonymization for Massive Streaming Categorical Data., , , , , , and . IEEE BigData, page 5858-5860. IEEE, (2020)Accurate Few-Shot Object Detection With Support-Query Mutual Guidance and Hybrid Loss., , , and . CVPR, page 14424-14432. Computer Vision Foundation / IEEE, (2021)