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Flexible point handles metaphor for character deformation., , и . VRST, стр. 204. ACM, (2015)Placing Music Artists and Songs in Time Using Editorial Metadata and Web Mining Techniques., , и . ISMIR, стр. 183-188. (2013)A General Method for Partial Point Set Matching., и . SCG, стр. 406-408. ACM, (1997)Using transportation distances for measuring melodic similarity., , , , и . ISMIR, (2003)SHape REtrieval contest 2008: 3D face scans., , и . Shape Modeling International, стр. 225-226. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)A Survey of Content Based 3D Shape Retrieval Methods., и . SMI, стр. 145-156. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)SHREC 2020: 3D point cloud semantic segmentation for street scenes., , , , , , , , , и 5 other автор(ы). Comput. Graph., (2020)Multi-person tracking based on vertical reference lines and dynamic visibility analysis., , и . ICIP, стр. 1877-1880. IEEE, (2011)Non-Verbal Behavior Generation for Virtual Characters in Group Conversations., , , и . AIVR, стр. 41-49. IEEE, (2019)HarmTrace: Improving Harmonic Similarity Estimation Using Functional Harmony Analysis., , , и . ISMIR, стр. 67-72. University of Miami, (2011)