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Peg-in-hole under state uncertainties via a passive wrist joint with push-activate-rotation function., , , и . Humanoids, стр. 67-74. IEEE, (2017)High-Speed and Intelligent Pre-Grasp Motion by a Robotic Hand Equipped with Hierarchical Proximity Sensors., , , и . IROS, стр. 7424-7431. IEEE, (2018)Measurement and estimation of indoor human behavior of everyday life based on floor sensing with minimal invasion of privacy., , , , , и . ROBIO, стр. 2170-2176. IEEE, (2013)Grasp stability evaluation based on energy tolerance in potential field., , , , , и . IROS, стр. 2311-2316. IEEE, (2015)Volume Representation of Parenchymatous Organs by Volumetric Self-organizing Deformable Model., , , , , и . SeSAMI@MICCAI, том 10126 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 39-50. Springer, (2016)Casting manipulation of unknown string by robot arm., , , и . IROS, стр. 668-674. IEEE, (2021)Parameter Tuning Method to Improve Cycle Time of Soft Robotic Hand System Using Bayesian Optimization., , , , и . SII, стр. 766-767. IEEE, (2024)Levels of Detail Control Based on Correlation Analysis Between Surface Position and Direction., , , и . ICPR (3), стр. 622-625. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Abnormal Behavior Detection Using Privacy Protected Videos., , , , и . EST, стр. 55-57. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Thin plate manipulation by an under-actuated robotic soft gripper utilizing the environment., , , , и . IROS, стр. 1236-1243. IEEE, (2017)