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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Engineering and Mastering Interwoven Systems, , , , , , und . International Workshop on Self-optimisation in Organic and Autonomic Computing Systems (SAOS), ARCS, Seite 1--8. Lübeck, Germany, VDE, (2014)Towards Autonomous Self-tests at Runtime, , , , , und . IEEE International Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-Adaptive, Self-Organising Systems (QA4SASO), FAS*W, Seite 98--99. IEEE, (2016)Self-generated chaotic dynamics of field domains in superlattices, , , und . Proc. 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-26), Edinburgh 2002, (2003)Tripole current oscillations in superlattices, , und . Physica~B, (2002)Self-consistent theory of the gain linewidth for quantum-cascade lasers, , , und . Appl.~Phys.~Lett., (2005)Continuum Wannier-Stark Ladders Strongly Coupled by Zener Resonances in Semiconductor Superlattices, , , , , und . Phys.~Rev.~Lett., 82 (15): 3120--31223 (1999)Theoretical analysis of spectral gain in a terahertz quantum-cascade laser: Prospects for gain at 1 THz, und . Appl.~Phys.~Lett., (2003)Optics with ballistic electrons: anti-reflection coatings for GaAs-AlGaAs superlattices, , , , , und . Proc. 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-25), Osaka 2000, Seite 743. Berlin, Springer, (2001)Inelastic quantum transport in superlattices: Success and failure of the Boltzmann equation, , , , , und . Phys.~Rev.~Lett., (1999)Dynamical behavior in a quantum-dot structure. Phys.~Rev.~B, (1994)