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Time--delay autosynchronization of the spatiotemporal dynamics in resonant tunneling diodes, , , and . Phys.~Rev.~E, (2003)Equivalent cirquit model for current filamentation in p-i-n diodes, , and . Appl.~Phys.~Lett., (1991)Spatio-temporal dynamics of vertical charge transport in a semiconductor heterostructure, and . Semicond.~Sci.~Technol., (1992)Control of chaos by time--delayed feedback: a survey of theoretical and experimental aspects, , and . Advances in Solid State Phyics, 43, Springer, Berlin, (2003)Control of unstable steady states by long delay feedback, , , and . Phys.~Rev.~E, (2006)Delay-induced multistability in a generic model for excitable dynamics, , and . Proc. ASME 2007 Des. Eng. Techn. Conf. Comp. Inform. Eng. Conf., page 1--8. Las Vegas, ASME, (2007)DECT2007-34329.Synchronization of noise-induced oscillations by time-delayed feedback, , and . Proc. 19th Internat. Conf. on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF-2007), 922, page 595--598. College Park, Maryland 20740-3843, American Institute of Physics, (2007)ISBN 0-7354-0432-8.Control of noise-induced spatiotemporal patterns in superlattices, and . phys.~stat.~sol.~(c), 5 (1): 207--210 (2008)Local multi-polar expansions in potential field modelling, , , , , and . Earth Planets Space, (2008)submitted.Time-delayed feedback control of unstable fixed points with variable physe-dependent coupling, , and . Poster at the Dynamics Days Europe 2006, (2006)