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The current impasse in research on optimum currency areas

. European Economic Review, 39 (3-4): 492--500 (April 1995)

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The current impasse in research on optimum currency areas. European Economic Review, 39 (3-4): 492--500 (April 1995)The costs/benefits of a common monetary policy in France and Germany and possible lessons for monetary union, and . Discussion paper / Sonderforschungsbereich 303, Information und die Koordination Wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Sonderforschungsbereich 303, Bonn, rev edition, (1996)Regional redistribution and stabilization by the center in Canada, France, the UK and the US:: A reassessment and new tests, and . Journal of Public Economics, 86 (2): 263--286 (November 2002)More about the law of one price, , and . European Economic Review, 18 (2): 325--344 (1982)The welfare case for the European Monetary System. Journal of International Money and Finance, 4 (4): 485--506 (December 1985)North, South and distance in the gravity model. European Economic Review, 51 (4): 971--991 (May 2007)The stability of the spot price of foreign exchange in the absence of speculative influences. Journal of International Economics, 12 (1-2): 1--24 (February 1982)The macroeconomic implications of financial deregulation, and . European Economic Review, 35 (1): 155--178 (January 1991)Financial deregulation in France. European Economic Review, 34 (2-3): 394--402 (May 1990)The profitability of anticipated inflation in banking, , , and . Economics Letters, 37 (1): 57--60 (September 1991)