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Ridgelet-based signatures for natural image classification., и . CORIA, стр. 235-244. (2005)Learning Midlevel Image Features for Natural Scene and Texture Classification., , и . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 17 (3): 286-297 (2007)A low complexity hardware architecture for motion estimation., , и . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)Towards an optimised VLSI design algorithm for the constant matrix multiplication problem., , и . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)Motion Synthesis for Sports Using Unobtrusive Lightweight Body-Worn and Environment Sensing., , , и . Comput. Graph. Forum, 32 (8): 48-60 (2013)Experiencing SenseCam: a case study interview exploring seven years living with a wearable camera., , и . SenseCam, стр. 52-59. ACM, (2013)SCReen adjusted panoramic effect: SCRAPE., , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 859-862. ACM, (2013)Efficient contour-based shape representation and matching., и . Multimedia Information Retrieval, стр. 138-143. ACM, (2003)An Examination of a Large Visual Lifelog., , , , , и . AIRS, том 4993 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 537-542. Springer, (2008)Comparison of Fusion Methods for Thermo-Visual Surveillance Tracking., , , и . FUSION, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2006)