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Optothermal nonlinearity of silica aerogel, , , , , and . Applied Physics Letters, (2016)Gamow Vectors Explain the Shock ''Batman'' Profile, , and . Optics Express, 24 (19): 21963 (2016)Optical Spatial Solitons in Soft Matter, , and . Physical Review Letters, 95 (18): 183902 (2005)Complex dynamics and configurational entropy of spatial optical solitons in nonlocal media., , and . Optics Letters, 31 (13): 2030-2 (July 2006)Laser Beam Filamentation in Fractal Aggregates, , , and . Physical Review Letters, 97 (12): 123903 (2006)Field localization and enhancement near the Dirac point of a finite defectless photonic crystal, , , and . Phys. Rev. B, 87 (8): 085135 (February 2013)Aging of the nonlinear optical susceptibility in doped colloidal suspensions, , and . Physical Review B, 75 (22): 224203 (2007)Condensation dynamics: An enlightened daemon. Nature Physics, 8 (6): 445--446 (June 2012)Mode-locked X-wave lasers, , and . Optics Express, (2007)Shaken Granular Lasers, , , and . Phys. Rev. Lett., 108 (24): 248002 (June 2012)Editor Suggestion, Synopsis in Physics