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Complex dynamics and configurational entropy of spatial optical solitons in nonlocal media., , and . Optics Letters, 31 (13): 2030-2 (July 2006)Nonlocal Optical Propagation in Nonlinear Nematic Liquid Crystals, , , , and . Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials (JNOPM), 12 (4): 525--538 (2003)Observation of Optical Spatial Solitons in a Highly Nonlocal Medium, , and . Phys. Rev. Lett., 92 (11): 113902 (March 2004)Route to Nonlocality and Observation of Accessible Solitons, , and . Phys. Rev. Lett., 91 (7): 073901 (August 2003)Characterization of archeological human bone tissue by enhanced backscattering of light, , , , and . Applied Physics Letters, (2009)Observation of a gradient catastrophe generating solitons, , , , and . Physical Review Letters, (2009)Optical modulational instability in a nonlocal medium, , and . Phys. Rev. E, 68 (2): 025602 (August 2003)Interplay between nonlocality and nonlinearity in nematic liquid crystals, , and . Opt. Lett., 30 (4): 415--417 (2005)Optical multisoliton generation in nematic liquid crystals, , and . Opt. Lett., 28 (22): 2231--2233 (2003)Nematicons: Optical Spatial Solitons in Nematic Liquid Crystals, , and . Opt. Photon. News, 14 (2): 44--48 (2003)