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Low latency block scaling for baseband signal compression., , и . ICTC, стр. 105-110. IEEE, (2014)A single RF-chain load modulation transmitter of expansion structure for massive MIMO., , и . ICTC, стр. 976-978. IEEE, (2016)Single Radio Transmission and Reception for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO., , , , , и . VTC Fall, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2016)Log-domain Decoding of Nonbinary Polar Codes., , и . ICTC, стр. 1271-1273. IEEE, (2021)Performance analysis of receive beamforming technology based on the binary CDMA system using compact MIMO antenna., и . ICTC, стр. 65-67. IEEE, (2016)A single RF-chain load modulation transmitter of simple structure for massive MIMO., , , и . ICTC, стр. 954-956. IEEE, (2017)Performance Analysis of Resource Hopping-Based Grant-Free Multiple Access for Massive IoT Networks., , , , и . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., 11 (12): 2685-2689 (2022)Analysis of wireless resource environment and detection of malfunctioning wireless communication device., и . APCC, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2017)Determination of Optimum Threshold Values for NPRACH Preamble Detection in NB-IoT Systems., , и . ICUFN, стр. 616-618. IEEE, (2018)Uplink Scheduling Technique for the LTE System to Improve the Performance of the NB-IoT System., , , и . ICUFN, стр. 613-615. IEEE, (2018)