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Tracking of piecewise constant references for constrained nonlinear systems., , and . ECC, page 886-891. IEEE, (2003)Robust Multi-Model Predictive Control Using LMIs, , and . Proceedings of 17th IFAC World Congress 2008 17th IFAC World Congress 2008, page CD-ROM. Séoul Corée, République de, (2008)Predictive control for constrained LPV systems., , and . ECC, page 3074-3079. IEEE, (2001)On the synthesis of restricted complexity controllers for uncertain plants with ellipsoidal perturbations., , , and . CDC, page 1562-1567. IEEE, (2001)Free time optimal control problems with time delays., , , and . CDC, page 520-525. IEEE, (2013)Tracking performance of model predictive control., and . CDC, page 2631-2636. IEEE, (2012)Model predictive control for tracking random references., and . ECC, page 518-523. IEEE, (2013)Predictive control for constrained systems with polytopic uncertainty., , and . ACC, page 3073-3078. IEEE, (2001)Set Membership (In) Validation of nonlinear positive models for biological systems., and . CDC, page 2370-2375. IEEE, (2006)Fast and accurate method for computing non-smooth solutions to constrained control problems., , , , , , and . ECC, page 1049-1054. IEEE, (2022)