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Applications to Regular and Bang-Bang Control - Second-Order Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions in Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control., and . Advances in design and control SIAM, (2012)Optimization methods for solving bang-bang control problems with state constraints and the verification of sufficient conditions., , and . CDC/ECC, page 923-928. IEEE, (2005)Optimal control of a voice-coil-motor with Coulombic friction., , and . CDC, page 1557-1562. IEEE, (2008)Optimal control of a fedbatch fermentation process: Numerical methods, sufficient conditions and sensitivity analysis., , , and . CDC, page 1551-1556. IEEE, (2008)Sufficient conditions and sensitivity analysisfor economic control problems.. Ann. Oper. Res., (1999)Second Order Optimality Conditions for Controls with Continuous and Bang-Bang Components., and . Systems, Control, Modeling and Optimization, volume 202 of IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, page 297-307. Springer, (2006)Sensitivity analysis of optimal control problems with bang-bang controls., and . CDC, page 3281-3286. IEEE, (2003)Free time optimal control problems with time delays., , , and . CDC, page 520-525. IEEE, (2013)Sufficient Conditions and Sensitivity Analysis for Optimal Bang-Bang Control Problems with State Constraints., and . System Modelling and Optimization, volume 312 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 82-99. Springer, (2007)Second Order Sufficient Optimality Conditions for a Control Problem with Continuous and Bang-Bang Control Components: Riccati Approach., and . System Modelling and Optimization, volume 312 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 411-429. Springer, (2007)