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On-Site Visualization of Ballistocardiography Data., и . MIE, том 302 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 1031-1032. IOS Press, (2023)High-Resolution Synchronous Digital Ballistocardiography Setup., , , , , , и . CinC, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2019)Wireless Sensor Network for Fall Prevention on Geriatric Wards: A Report., , , , и . MedInfo, том 264 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 620-624. IOS Press, (2019)Wireless Compose-2: A wireless communication network with a Ballistocardiography Smart-Shirt experiment in the ISS Columbus module., , , , , , и . WiSEE, стр. 103-108. IEEE, (2021)DR.BEAT: First Insights into a Study to Collect Baseline BCG Data with a Sensor-Based Wearable Prototype in Heart-Healthy Adults., , , , и . EMBC, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2023)Demo: BCG Measurement by differential Sensing in Real-Time., , и . DCOSS, стр. 75-78. IEEE, (2022)A Structured Measurement of Highly Synchronous Real-Time Ballistocardiography Signal Data of Heart Failure Patients., , , , , , , и . MIE, том 270 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 808-812. IOS Press, (2020)Demo Abstract: SatelLight - Using LiFi for Intra-Satellite Communication., , и . SenSys, стр. 476-477. ACM, (2023)Adaptive J-Wave Detection Architecture for Online BCG-Complex Recognition on FPGA., , и . ICECS 2022, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2022)Seismocardiography on Infants and Kids., , , , и . CinC, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2020)