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Distributed LPV state-feedback control with application to motorway ramp metering., , и . ECC, стр. 1480-1485. IEEE, (2015)Personalised optimal speed advice to cyclists approaching an intersection with uncertain green time., и . ECC, стр. 1666-1671. IEEE, (2018)Timetable Scheduling for Passenger-Centric Urban Rail Networks: Model Predictive Control based on a Novel Absorption Model., , и . CCTA, стр. 1147-1152. IEEE, (2022)Clustering-based methodology for estimating bicycle accumulation levels on signalized links: a case study from the Netherlands., , , и . ITSC, стр. 1788-1793. IEEE, (2019)Benders Decomposition-Based Optimization of Train Departure Frequencies in Metro Networks., , , и . ITSC, стр. 5371-5376. IEEE, (2023)Single-region robust perimeter traffic flow control., , и . ECC, стр. 2628-2633. IEEE, (2015)Energy-based shape regulation of soft robots with unactuated dynamics dominated by elasticity., , и . RoboSoft, стр. 396-402. IEEE, (2022)Proactive Emergency Collision Avoidance for Automated Driving in Highway Scenarios., , , , и . CoRR, (2023)Multi-agent reinforcement learning via distributed MPC as a function approximator., , , и . Autom., (2024)Reinforcement Learning-based Model Predictive Control for Greenhouse Climate Control., , , , и . CoRR, (2024)