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A Novel Adaptive Kernel Picture Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm., , , , , , and . Symmetry, 14 (7): 1442 (2022)China's Largest City-Wide Lockdown: How Extensively Did Shanghai COVID-19 Affect Intensity of Human Activities in the Yangtze River Delta?, and . Remote. Sens., 15 (8): 1989 (April 2023)High-Resolution Aerial Photo Categorization Model by Cross-Resolution Perceptual Experiences Transfer., and . IEEE Access, (2023)Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Access Control for Buffer-Aided Relaying Systems With Energy Harvesting., , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2020)Product Title Refinement via Multi-Modal Generative Adversarial Learning., , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2018)Revisiting Convolutional Neural Networks for Citywide Crowd Flow Analytics., , , , , , and . ECML/PKDD (1), volume 12457 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 578-594. Springer, (2020)Naturalness Evaluation of Natural Language Generation in Task-oriented Dialogues Using BERT., , , and . RANLP, page 839-845. INCOMA Ltd., (2021)Enriching Non-Autoregressive Transformer with Syntactic and Semantic Structures for Neural Machine Translation., , , , and . EACL, page 1235-1244. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)A Quantitative Approach in Heuristic Evaluation of E-commerce Websites., , , and . CoRR, (2018)Thin single crystal perovskite solar cells to harvest below-bandgap light absorption, , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). Nature Communications, 8 (1): 1890-- (2017)