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Combining qualitative evaluation and social network analysis for the study of classroom social interactions., , , , and . Comput. Educ., 41 (4): 353-368 (2003)Detecting and Solving Negative Situations in Real CSCL Experiences with a Role-Based Interaction Analysis Approach., , , , , and . Intelligent Collaborative e-Learning Systems and Applications, volume 246 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2009)Studying participation networks in collaboration using mixed methods., , , , , and . Int. J. Comput. Support. Collab. Learn., 1 (3): 383-408 (2006)Studying social aspects of computer-supported collaboration with a mixed evaluation approach., , , , , and . CSCL, page 631-632. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2002)COLLAGE, a collaborative learning design editor based on patterns, , , , , , and . (2006)Exploring teachers' needs and the existing barriers to the adoption of Learning Design methods and tools: A literature survey., , , , and . Br. J. Educ. Technol., 49 (6): 998-1013 (2018)Linking Collaborative Learning Practice with IMS LD and Service-Oriented Technologies: an Approach Based on Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns., , , , , and . ICALT, page 1109-1110. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Multiple Case Studies to Enhance Project-Based Learning in a Computer Architecture Course., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Educ., 48 (3): 482-489 (2005)