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Marketing theory, , and . Wiley, New York, NY u.a., (1988)Models of buyer behavior. Conceptual, quantitative, and empirical. Series in marketing management Harper, Row, New York, (1974)Multinational Business Operations, and . Goodyear Publishing Company, INC., Pacific Palisades, (1973)Marketing management, and . South-Western Publ. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio u.a., (1986)Customer behavior, , and . Dryden Press, Fort Worth u.a., (1999)Long-range planning, organization, and management, and . Goodyear Publishing Company, INC., Pacific Palisades, (1973)Marketing management, and . Goodyear Publishing Company, INC., Pacific Palisades, (1973)Environmental aspects of operating abroad, and . Goodyear Publishing Company, INC., Pacific Palisades, (1973)The theory of buyer behavior, and . The Wiley marketing series Wiley, New York, NY u.a., (1969)Customer behavior, and . Thomson, Australia usw., 2. ed edition, (2004)