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Pneumatic direct-drive stepping motor for robots., , , und . IROS, Seite 2031-2036. IEEE, (2002)Novel actuator driven with phase transition of working fluid for uses in wide temperature range., , und . IROS, Seite 616-621. IEEE, (2012)Field test for verifying the capability of two high-powered hydraulic small robots for rescue operations., , , und . IROS, Seite 3492-3497. IEEE, (2006)PF-IPMC: Paper/Fabric Assisted IPMC Actuators for 3D Crafts., , , und . IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 5 (3): 4035-4041 (2020)Novel design of rubber tube actuator improving mountability and drivability for assisting colonosocope insertion., , , und . ICRA, Seite 3263-3268. IEEE, (2011)Force-presentation Method for Active Polyhedron for Realizing Physical Human-machine Interaction., , , und . ICRA, Seite 3941-3947. IEEE, (2006)A Method of Designing and Fabricating Mckibben Muscles Driven by 7 MPa Hydraulics., , und . IJAT, 6 (4): 482-487 (2012)Trot gait based feed-forward walking on challenging terrain: Case of high step climbing., , , und . ROBIO, Seite 2519-2524. IEEE, (2015)Back-Stretchable McKibben Muscles: Expanding the Range of Antagonistic Muscle Driven Joints., , und . IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 8 (9): 5331-5337 (September 2023)A miniature inspection robot negotiating pipes of widely varying diameter., , und . ICRA, Seite 2735-2740. IEEE, (2003)