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Batch Reinforcement Learning with Hyperparameter Gradients., , , , and . ICML, volume 119 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 5725-5735. PMLR, (2020)Switching dynamics of multi-agent learning., , and . AAMAS (1), page 307-313. IFAAMAS, (2008)Multi-type ACO for light path protection., , and . EUMAS, page 513. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, (2005)Using Generalized Learning Automata for State Space Aggregation in MAS., , and . KES (1), volume 5177 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 182-193. Springer, (2008)Adaptive State Representations for Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning., , and . ICAART (2), page 181-189. SciTePress, (2011)Reinforcement Learning in POMDPs With Memoryless Options and Option-Observation Initiation Sets., , , , , and . AAAI, page 4099-4106. AAAI Press, (2018)Solving delayed coordination problems in MAS., , and . AAMAS, page 1115-1116. IFAAMAS, (2011)Analyzing Stigmergetic Algorithms Through Automata Games., , and . KDECB, volume 4366 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 145-156. Springer, (2006)Multi-objectivization of reinforcement learning problems by reward shaping., , , , , and . IJCNN, page 2315-2322. IEEE, (2014)Reinforcement Learning for Multi-purpose Schedules., , , and . ICAART (2), page 203-209. SciTePress, (2013)