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A 700-MS/s 6-bit SAR ADC with partially active reference voltage buffer., , и . IEICE Electron. Express, 15 (13): 20180497 (2018)Light Energy Saving method of Lighting System Based on MISO FO Newton-based ES., , , , , и . ACC, стр. 4695-4700. IEEE, (2020)Total Variation Regularized Sparse Tensor Decomposition for Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography Sequence Processing., , , , , и . I2MTC, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2023)Translinear Loop Principle and Identification of the Translinear Loops., , и . APCCAS, стр. 1667-1670. IEEE, (2006)A New Spacecraft Impact Damage Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Dynamic Multi-Objective Optimization Method., , , , , и . CDC, стр. 4835-4840. IEEE, (2019)High effective medical image segmentation with model adjustable method., и . ISCAS, стр. 1512-1515. IEEE, (2013)Characterization and analysis of pattern dependent variation-aware interconnects for a 65nm technology., , , и . ASICON, стр. 854-857. IEEE, (2011)An innovative exciting coil design for magneto-optic imaging in nondestructive evaluation., , и . I2MTC, стр. 1795-1800. IEEE, (2013)Chip-Scale Coils for Millimeter-Sized Bio-Implants., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 12 (5): 1088-1099 (2018)Adaptive Fractional-Order SMC Controller Design for Unmanned Quadrotor Helicopter Under Actuator Fault and Disturbances., , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2020)