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A Cloud Based Super-Optimization Method to Parallelize the Sequential Code's Nested Loops., , , , и . MCSoC, стр. 281-287. IEEE, (2019)Multi-Concern Integrated Engineering of Dependable Intelligent Systems.. DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech, стр. 710-715. IEEE, (2019)Online Path Generation and Navigation for Swarms of UAVs., , и . CoRR, (2019)Securing Open Source Clouds Using Models., и . IMPEX/FM&MDD, том 271 из EPTCS, стр. 80-94. (2017)Integrating Learning, Optimization, and Prediction for Efficient Navigation of Swarms of Drones., , , и . PDP, стр. 101-108. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Securing Optimized Code Against Power Side Channels., , , и . CSF, стр. 340-355. IEEE, (2023)Formal Development of Critical Multi-agent Systems: A Refinement Approach., , и . EDCC, стр. 156-161. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Augmenting formal development of control systems with quantitative reliability assessment., , и . SERENE, стр. 61-70. ACM, (2010)Towards Creating a DSL Facilitating Modelling of Dynamic Access Control in Event-B., , и . ABZ, том 10817 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 386-391. Springer, (2018)Formal Model-Driven Development of Communicating Systems, , , , и . (2005)