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TooT: an efficient and scalable power-gating method for NoC routers., , , и . NOCS, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2016)A Survey of Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Embedded Systems From the Perspective of Power, Energy, and Thermal Issues., , , , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2022)On the Hardware-Software Partitioning: The Classic General Model (CGM)., , и . CCECE, стр. 1922-1925. IEEE, (2006)A Fault Tolerant Parallelism Approach for Implementing High-Throughput Pipelined Advanced Encryption Standard., и . J. Circuits Syst. Comput., 25 (9): 1650113:1-1650113:14 (2016)A performance and power analysis of WK-Recursive and Mesh Networks for Network-on-Chips., , , и . ICCD, стр. 142-147. IEEE, (2006)The ODYSSEY Tool-Set for System-Level Synthesis of Object-Oriented Models., и . SAMOS, том 3553 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 394-403. Springer, (2005)Poster: Unified Fog Node Utilization for Multiple Content Providers through Cluster-Based Cooperative Caching., , и . WoWMoM, стр. 295-297. IEEE, (2025)A Data Prefetching Mechanism for Object-Oriented Embedded Systems Using Run-Time Profiling., , и . DELTA, стр. 249-254. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)A Fault Tolerant Approach to Object Oriented Design and Synthesis of Embedded Systems., , , и . LADC, том 3747 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 143-153. Springer, (2005)Empirical Analysis of the Dependence of Test Power, Delay, Energy and Fault Coverage on the Architecture of LFSR-Based TPGs., , и . DFT, стр. 179-187. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)