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GPU Accelerated Surgical Simulators for Complex Morphology., and . VR, page 147-153. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Virtual Open Heart Surgery: Obtaining Models Suitable for Surgical Simulation., , and . MMVR, volume 125 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 445-447. IOS Press, (2007)Smooth Haptic Interaction from Discontinuous Simulation Data., , , and . MMVR, volume 125 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 328-333. IOS Press, (2007)The Visible Ear Surgery Simulator., , , and . MMVR, volume 132 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 523-525. IOS Press, (2008)Technical aspects of the GPU accelerated surgical simulator., and . SIGGRAPH Sketches, page 38. ACM, (2006)Real-time Deformation of Detailed Geometry Based on Mappings to a Less Detailed Physical Simulation on the GPU., and . IPT/EGVE, page 105-111. Eurographics Association, (2005)An Introduction to GPU Accelerated Surgical Simulation., and . ISBMS, volume 4072 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 93-104. Springer, (2006)Teaching programming to liberal arts students: a narrative media approach., , , , and . ITiCSE, page 109-113. ACM, (2003)Virtual Open Heart Surgery Segmentation., , and . MMVR, volume 125 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 448-450. IOS Press, (2007)A Framework for Shape Matching in Deformable Image Registration., , , and . MMVR, volume 132 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 333-335. IOS Press, (2008)