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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

In-ear Biosignal Recording System: A Wearable For Automatic Whole-night Sleep Staging., , , , , , und . WearSys@MobiSys, Seite 19-24. ACM, (2016)Querical Data Networks., und . Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, Idea Group, (2005)Probabilistic reachability query in evolving spatiotemporal contact networks of moving objects., und . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, Seite 516-519. ACM, (2018)Geostreaming: we can see the light at the end of the tunnel., , , , und . COM.Geo, ACM, (2010)Yoda: An Accurate and Scalable Web-Based Recommendation System., , , und . CoopIS, Volume 2172 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 418-432. Springer, (2001)Modelling Peer-to-Peer Data Networks Under Complex System Theory., und . DNIS, Volume 3433 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 238-243. Springer, (2005)Efficient Processing of Spatiotemporal Pattern Queries on Historical Frequent Co-Movement Pattern Datasets., und . MATES@VLDB, Volume 10731 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 122-137. Springer, (2017)MVSC-Bench: A Tool to Benchmark Classification Methods for Multivariate Spatiotemporal Data., und . SSTD, Volume 10411 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 446-451. Springer, (2017)Efficient Viewpoint Selection for Urban Texture Documentation., , und . GSN, Volume 5659 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 138-148. Springer, (2009)Efficient and Accurate Closed-Domain and Open-Domain Long-Form Question Answering., , und . CSEDU (Selected Papers), Volume 1624 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 165-188. Springer, (2021)