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Playful, shareable and creative-three examples for new directions in user interface design, , , and . Shareable interfaces for learning workshop. Available via http://shareitproject. org/index. php, (2008)Innovations in Ubicomp Products, , and . IEEE Pervasive Computing, 10 (4): 6 (2011)MOBILE PHONE AND LEARNING IN LATIN AMERICA, , and . (2009)Ephemeral user interfaces: valuing the aesthetics of interface components that do not last, , and . interactions, 20 (4): 32--37 (2013)Be-greifen "Beyond the Surface"., , and . Be-greifbare Interaktionen - der allgegenwärtige Computer, Transcript, (2012)Improving User Interfaces for Physicians through New Materials, Tangible Interaction, and Tactile Feedback., , and . ETIS, volume 2801 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2020)10. Workshop Be-greifbare Interaktion., , , , , and . MuC (Workshopband), Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2017)13. Workshop Be-greifbare Interaktion., , , , , , and . MuC (Workshopband), Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2020)Material meets the city: a materials experience perspective on urban interaction design., , , and . Interactions, 29 (1): 58-63 (2022)Exploring material-centered design concepts for tangible interaction., , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1523-1528. ACM, (2012)