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Brittle systems will break - not bend: can aspect-oriented programming help?, , , , and . ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, page 79-86. ACM, (2002)Approximating Hit Rate Curves using Streaming Algorithms., , , , and . APPROX-RANDOM, volume 40 of LIPIcs, page 225-241. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2015)Characterizing Storage Workloads with Counter Stacks., , , , and . OSDI, page 335-349. USENIX Association, (2014)Hardware Virtualization with Xen., , and . login Usenix Mag., (2007)Virtual devices for virtual machines.. University of Cambridge, UK, (2006)British Library, EThOS.RemusDB: transparent high availability for database systems., , , , , and . VLDB J., 22 (1): 29-45 (2013)The Importance of Good Plumbing-Reconsidering Infrastructure in Distributed Systems., and . HotOS, page 187. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Escape Capsule: Explicit State Is Robust and Scalable., , , and . HotOS, USENIX Association, (2013)Tolerating business failures in hosted applications., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). SoCC, page 22:1-22:16. ACM, (2013)A data synchronization service for ad hoc groups., , , and . WCNC, page 483-488. IEEE, (2004)