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A motion-sensing enabled personalized exercise system for cardiac rehabilitation., , , , , , , , и . Healthcom, стр. 167-171. IEEE, (2012)A Spatial-EWMA Framework for Detecting Clustering., , и . Quality and Reliability Eng. Int., 30 (2): 181-189 (2014)Transformer-CNN for small image object detection., , , и . Signal Process. Image Commun., (2024)Rapid response nursing triage outcomes for COVID-19: factors associated with patient's participation in triage recommendations., , , , , , и . BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak., 23 (1): 47 (декабря 2023)How Rewards in Exercise Games Affect Intrinsic Motivation., , и . DSIE, том 347 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 292-299. IOS Press, (2021)Development of an Interface for Computing and Analyzing Multidimensional Perceptual Space., и . HCI (1), стр. 621-625. Lawrence Erlbaum, (1999)Computing spanning line segments in three dimensions., , , и . Vis. Comput., 12 (4): 173-180 (1996)Call Me by My Name: Exploring Roles of Sci-fi Voice Agents., , , , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM, (2019)Explorations on Reciprocal Interplay in Things Ecology., , , и . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume), стр. 51-56. ACM, (2018)Affective product shapes through image morphing., , , и . DPPI, стр. 11-16. ACM, (2003)