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AuraRing: Precise Electromagnetic Finger Tracking., , и . Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 3 (4): 150:1-150:28 (2019)RotoWrist: Continuous Infrared Wrist Angle Tracking using a Wristband., , , , и . VRST, стр. 26:1-26:11. ACM, (2021)Continuous micro finger writing recognition with a commodity smartwatch: demo abstract., , , , , и . SenSys, стр. 603-604. ACM, (2020)RoyalFlush: non-invasive water level monitor to prevent toilet overflows., , , и . IOT, стр. 10:1-10:8. ACM, (2018)AuraRing: Precise Electromagnetic Finger Tracking., , и . GetMobile Mob. Comput. Commun., 25 (3): 34-37 (2021)FaceOri: Tracking Head Position and Orientation Using Ultrasonic Ranging on Earphones., , , , , , , и . CHI, стр. 290:1-290:12. ACM, (2022)Aura: Inside-out Electromagnetic Controller Tracking., , и . MobiSys, стр. 300-312. ACM, (2019)ARDW: An Augmented Reality Workbench for Printed Circuit Board Debugging., , , , , и . UIST, стр. 37:1-37:16. ACM, (2022)ViFin: Harness Passive Vibration to Continuous Micro Finger Writing with a Commodity Smartwatch., , , , , и . Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 5 (1): 45:1-45:25 (2021)μMonitor: In-situ energy monitoring with microwatt power consumption., , , и . IEEE RFID, стр. 123-130. IEEE, (2016)