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Towards a musical beat emphasis function., , und . WASPAA, Seite 61-64. IEEE, (2009)Deconstruct, Analyse, Reconstruct: How to improve Tempo, Beat, and Downbeat Estimation., und . ISMIR, Seite 574-582. (2020)Onset Event Decoding Exploiting the Rhythmic Structure of Polyphonic Music., , , und . J. Sel. Topics Signal Processing, 5 (6): 1228-1239 (2011)Note onset detection using rhythmic structure., , , und . ICASSP, Seite 5526-5529. IEEE, (2010)Tempo Estimation as Fully Self-Supervised Binary Classification., , , , und . ICASSP, Seite 1356-1360. IEEE, (2024)Exploring the effect of rhythmic style classification on automatic tempo estimation., und . EUSIPCO, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2008)Conchord: An Application for Generating Musical Harmony by Navigating in the Tonal Interval Space., , , und . CMMR, Volume 9617 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 243-260. (2015)On the Use of Entropy for Beat Tracking Evaluation., und . ICASSP (4), Seite 1305-1308. IEEE, (2007)An audio-only method for advertisement detection in broadcast television content., , und . CoRR, (2018)Symbolic music generation conditioned on continuous-valued emotions, , und . (2022)cite arxiv:2203.16165Comment: Published in IEEE Access.