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Self-checking ripple-carry adder with Ambipolar Silicon NanoWire FET., , , , и . ISCAS, стр. 2127-2130. IEEE, (2013)Quantum Dots and Wires to Improve Enzymes-Based Electrochemical Bio-sensing., , и . NanoNet, том 20 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 189-199. Springer, (2009)Quantitative comparison of commercial CCD and custom-designed CMOS camera for biological applications., , , , , и . ISCAS, стр. 2063-2066. IEEE, (2012)Relative Scheduling Under Timing Constraints., и . DAC, стр. 59-64. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1990)FRAME: Fast and Realistic Attacker Modeling and Evaluation for Temporal Logical Correlation in Static Noise., , , , и . CoRR, (2015)Panel: Emerging vs. established technologies, a two sphinxes' riddle at the crossroads?, , , , , , и . DATE, стр. 1-4. European Design and Automation Association, (2014)An efficient manipulation package for Biconditional Binary Decision Diagrams., , и . DATE, стр. 1-6. European Design and Automation Association, (2014)Electrochemical Detection of Anti-Breast-Cancer Agents in Human Serum by Cytochrome P450-Coated Carbon Nanotubes., , и . Sensors, 12 (5): 6520-6537 (2012)Contents provider-assisted dynamic voltage scaling for low energy multimedia applications., , и . ISLPED, стр. 42-47. ACM, (2002)Prediction of regulatory modules comprising microRNAs and target genes., и . ECCB/JBI, стр. 100. (2005)