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A Soft Electrochemical Actuator for Biomedical Robotics., , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 2915-2920. IEEE, (2005)Dynamically Tuned Design of the MFI Thorax., , , и . ICRA, стр. 52-59. IEEE, (2002)Elbow Motion Trajectory Prediction Using a Multi-Modal Wearable System: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques., , , , , и . Sensors, 21 (2): 498 (2021)Autonomous Curriculum Generation for Self-Learning Agents., , и . ICARCV, стр. 1104-1111. IEEE, (2020)The effect of skill level matching in dyadic interaction on learning of a tracing task., , , , , , , , , и . ICORR, стр. 824-829. IEEE, (2019)A geometric framework for the estimation of joint stiffness of the human wrist., , , и . ICORR, стр. 151-156. IEEE, (2019)Accuracy and repeatability of parameter estimation methods from ambulatory data for the wrist joint., , , , и . EMBC, стр. 1292-1296. IEEE, (2011)Ergonomic considerations for anthropomorphic wrist exoskeletons: A simulation study on the effects of joint misalignment., , , и . IROS, стр. 4905-4910. IEEE, (2011)Development of PZT and PZN-PT Based Unimorph Actuators for Micromechanical Flapping Mechanisms., , , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 3839-3846. IEEE, (2001)Design and assembling of a magneto-inertial wearable device for ecological behavioral analysis of infants., , , , и . IROS, стр. 3832-3837. IEEE, (2008)