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Real-Time Estimation of Microgrid Inertia and Damping Constant., , , , and . IEEE Access, (2021)Reducing fuel consumption in microgrids using PV, batteries, and generator cycling., , , and . EIT, page 1-4. IEEE, (2013)Frequency control of isolated micro-grid using a droop control approach., , , and . EIT, page 771-775. IEEE, (2016)Classification of generators participating in the bulk-power market., , and . ICIT, page 575-579. IEEE, (2017)Operating Region of a Genset-Based Virtual Synchronous Generator., , and . IEEE Access, (2020)Multiarea Inertia Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Federated Learning., , , , , and . IEEE Syst. J., 16 (4): 6401-6412 (2022)Modeling Inverters with Grid Support Functions for Power System Dynamics Studies., , , , , , and . ISGT, page 1-5. IEEE, (2021)Modeling of photobioreactors for remote microgrids., , , , and . EIT, page 686-689. IEEE, (2016)Sustainability Metrics for Inverter-based Voltage Regulation Methods in PV-rich Low Voltage Grids., , , and . EIT, page 441-446. IEEE, (2019)Reduction of energy consumption of virtual synchronous machine using supplementary adaptive dynamic programming., , , , and . EIT, page 690-694. IEEE, (2016)