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Nadir Frequency Estimation in Low-Inertia Power Systems., , , , , , and . ISIE, page 918-922. IEEE, (2020)Multi-agent Control Strategy for Microgrids using Petri Nets., , , , , , and . ISIE, page 1141-1146. IEEE, (2020)Analysis and Validation of Variable Transformers., , and . ISIE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)SoC Estimation Techniques for Efficient Agricultural Robots., , and . IECON, page 1-7. IEEE, (2021)Design a DC-DC Converter for a High Performance Electric Vehicle., and . ICCVE, page 335-340. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Efficiency optimization of a single-phase boost DC-DC converter for electric vehicle applications., , , and . IECON, page 4279-4285. IEEE, (2014)Dynamic matrix control for a single-phase inverter., , , and . ISIE, page 1-7. IEEE, (2021)Deep Reinforcement Learning for DC-DC converter parameters optimization., , and . ISIE, page 325-329. IEEE, (2022)Linear Control Compensator for a Variable-Transformer in Wide-Voltage Power Converters., , , , and . ISIE, page 301-306. IEEE, (2022)Reinforcement Learning for Service Restoration Algorithms in Distribution Networks., , , , and . IAS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)