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Empirical analysis of a genetic algorithm-based stress test technique.. GECCO, page 1743-1750. ACM, (2008)Uygulamalarin Mobil ve Masaustu Surumlerinin Kod-tabanli Karsilastirilmasi: Kesifsel bir Calisma (Code-based Comparison of Software Applications' Mobile and Desktop Versions: An Exploratory Study)., , and . UYMS, volume 1980 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 607-618., (2017)Yazılım Test Mühendisliği: Yazılım Test Mühendisliğinde Teknikler, Pratikler ve Öğrenilen Dersler., , , and . UYMS, volume 1483 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2015)Citations, research topics and active countries in software engineering: A bibliometrics study., and . Comput. Sci. Rev., (2016)Experience in engineering of scientific software: The case of an optimization software for oil pipelines., , and . CoRR, (2020)Towards Design and Architectural Evaluation of Product Variants: A Case Study on an Open Source Software System., , and . SEKE, page 141-146. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2009)Applying Peer Reviews in Software Engineering Education: An Experiment and Lessons Learned.. IEEE Trans. Educ., 53 (2): 182-193 (2010)A survey of software engineering practices in Turkey., , , and . J. Syst. Softw., (2015)Using Citation Behavior to Rethink Academic Impact in Software Engineering., , , and . ESEM, page 140-143. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)An Open Modern Software Testing Laboratory Courseware - An Experience Report.. CSEE&T, page 177-184. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)